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高雄業務中心5F 訓練教室


透過教練手把手的16堂進階訓練, 提升開發經營高額客戶退休規劃技能及高保費的行銷能力,增加組織增員能力。


林如喬 培訓總監



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    高雄業務中心 5F 訓練教室











公勝保經成立25年來,一直致力於具體實踐保險經紀人的價值與承諾。「公勝獨家專賣」商品,讓客戶在低經濟成長、低薪資成長的「雙低」大環境下,找到一個能兼顧退休規劃與風險保障,又能抵禦通貨膨脹,帳戶價值有機會隨著市場利率環境成長的保單! 公勝保經執行副總蔡聖威指出,歐美經紀人公司與保險公司開發獨賣商品已行之有年,但在台灣卻不常見。他一直希望有機會能開發更貼近客戶需求商品,最好是全齡適用的百搭款,真正落實站在客戶角度、為其設想並提供適切保單內容的精神,體現保險經紀人的價值。 公勝保經執行副總蔡聖威興奮地表示,「十倍勝」的上市有其指標性意義!對消費者來說是一大福音,因為保經業者掌握了商品主動權,不再被動地從一籃子商品中挑三揀四,而是主動參與商品設計,開發獨家規格保單,為客戶爭取最大權益;另外,對業務員來說,更具有激勵之效,代表保險公司認同公勝保經的通路地位,客戶想買「十倍勝」,就只能跟公勝保經的業務員投保,更奠定其不可取代的個人品牌價值!

Statement of privacy policy of Golden Insurance Brokers

Golden Insurance Brokers Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) attaches great importance to the customers’ privacy and keeps their personal data well.In respect of your personal data, the Company will comply with this privacy policy for collecting, processing and utilizing your personal data, unless otherwise specified by laws or competent authorities.In order that you could use all services of the Company, the Company’s privacy policy, protection of and great concern about your personal data are hereby stated.

I. Collection, processing and utilization of personal data:

(I) The Company collects your personal data (including but not limited to your name, date of birth, address, phone number and email address) for specific legal purposes such as embarking on insurance brokerage and with legal reasons.

(II) In collecting personal data, the Company shall note whether excess infringement will be inflicted upon the privacy of the parties concerned. The personal data will be collected only when necessary, because the businesses cannot be collected without collecting such personal data.

(III) The Company shall clearly inform the parties concerned about who and how the persons will utilized their personal data.

(IV) The Company will collect, process and utilize your personal data for the specific purposes mentioned in this privacy policy, adopt stringent controls, and comply with pertinent rules, including the Personal Information Protection Law.

II. Security and Protection of Personal Data

The Company has been certified by ISO 27001 (ISMS) in terms of information security management and BS 10012 in respect of personal data protection management. We will adopt appropriate security measures according to requirements, to protect unauthorized data access, alteration, disclosure or destruction. Besides, your personal data will be encrypted for transmission, with the support of the firewall, intrusion detection system and our anti-virus mechanism, to prevent illegal intrusion and destruction by malicious software, and to protect security of your personal information.

III. Application Scope of Personal Data:

(I) Your personal data will be processed and utilized during the legal existence of the aforementioned purposes of collectionAnd the company may provide your personal data to:

Insurance companies in connection with your insurance contract

Corporate Body Financial Consumer Review Centre

Legal authorities of the Company.

Any other organ that has access to your personal information in accordance with the law.

(II) If our business needs to entrust a third party, we will strictly require the entrusted third party to comply with the relevant laws and regulations and the agreement on confidentiality of personal information.

(III) Except for the use within the scope of the aforementioned use, the instructions of the law, judicial or competent authorities or with your consent, the company will not provide, exchange or sell your personal information to other individuals, legal persons or transfer it for other purposes.

(IV) When we share your personal data with third-party financial institutions, we will implement internal control measures in accordance with the "Guidelines on Data Sharing among Financial Institutions" and other relevant laws and regulations to ensure that your data is completely protected.

IV. Exercise of Rights of Parties:

If you need to exercise the following rights in relation to your personal data, in addition to contacting your service personnel to apply in writing, you can also inquire through the toll-free customer service line (0800-077-090).

Inquire or read.

Make a copy.

Make additions or corrections.

Stop collection, processing or use.


V. Cookies and Other Technologies

(I) Cookies are short pieces of information that are written to the user's hard drive by the browser in order to distinguish the user's different preferences on the server side. Although cookies can identify the user's computer, they cannot identify the user's identity.You can modify your acceptance of cookies by selecting the option in your browser. If you choose to reject all cookies, you may not be able to use some of the personalised services normally.

(II) In order to provide you with more personalised services, Cookies will be created when you register or log in to record your activities on the Company's website. Once you close the webpage, the Cookies will lose their effect.

(III) If you want to delete your personal information or sensitive data (member account, login password) on the website, please leave a message on the website or refer to the aforementioned statement in Article IV.

VI. Third Party Websites and Services

(I) The Company's website and services may contain links to third party websites, products or services.The aforementioned third-party websites, products or services may collect your personal data, and the collection, processing, utilisation and protection of the privacy rights of such third parties shall, in principle, be governed by their privacy policies.You can learn about the privacy policy of the relevant third party.

(II) Other websites linked to the Company's website may also collect your personal information.For the personal information you voluntarily provide, these linked sites have their own individual privacy policy, so their data processing measures do not apply to the company's privacy policy, the company can not be held jointly and severally liable.

VII. Self-protection Measures

Please properly manage your password and or any personal data, avoid providing personal data arbitrarily to any person or other organisations that have nothing to do with you, and it is recommended to change your password regularly.After you finish using the services of this website, please be sure to log out and close the browser window to prevent others from reading your personal information.

VIII. Revision of this Policy

In response to the requirements of the competent authorities, changes in relevant laws and regulations, technological advances and other changes in circumstances, we will revise this policy statement from time to time in accordance with the needs and publish it on our website (, which you can access at any time to protect your rights and interests.

IX. If the company fails to comply with the above privacy protection principles, or fails to comply with the measures promised in this statement, the company shall be responsible for its own legal liability and accept the supervision of the competent authorities.